Bruna Barbon Paulo
pHD student in Food Engineering (DEA/Unicamp) since 2017. She is Food Engineer (Unesp; 2015) and in her Master research, developed meltable particles using Fluidized Bed - Fapesp 2015/11629-2): “Estratégias para produção de partículas lipídicas em leito fluidizado” with supervision of Profa. Dra. Ana Silvia Prata (DEA/UNICAMP) and co-supervision of Prof. Dr. Almerindo Domingues Ferreira (DEM/ UC). She finished her PhD on studying the barrier properties of spray dried particles with a sandwich period at. universityof Minnesota. Currently she is working in Duas Rodas .
Fernanda Ramos
Fernanda is a doctoral fellow, in our group since 2015. She is Food Engineer from UFLA (2010) and she is working in the development of a vaccum spray dryer since her master (2014-2016; DEA; supervisor: Vivaldo Silveira Junior, co-supervisor Ana Silvia Prata). In the doctoral stage, she did the validation of the equipment toward the PhD project: “Obtenção de micropartículas com óleo essencial de laranja em vacuum spray dryer (VSD) e spray dryer” supervisor Profa. Dra. Ana Silvia Prata Soares (DEA/FEA/UNICAMP) and co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Vivaldo Silveira Júnior (DEA/FEA/UNICAMP). Currently she is working in Industry
Juliana Dias Maia
Juliana was a doctoral fellow since 2016. She is Food Engineer from UFS (2013), MSc. Science & Food Engineer from UFSC (2016) and her Ph.D. project is about study of free and encapsulated substances against Aedes aegypti larvae. Supervisor: Ana Silvia Prata and co-supervisor Prof. Dr. Julian Martinez. She has experience in obtention of natural extracts using conventional and supercritical technologies. http://lattes.cnpq.br/8260874995734778
Nathalia Dias Gonçalves
pHD student in Food&Nutrition (DEPAN/Unicamp) from the spring of 2016. She is Nutricionist and her research interest is about more healthy food for the society. He studyied the incorporation of natural substances in particles acting as antimicrobial in the product and nutraceutic in the human body. pHD Project: “Emprego de óleo essencial de tomilho associado à PUFAS microencapsulado em bolos como antimicrobiano e nutracêutico” supervisor Prof. Dr. Rodney Alexandre Ferreira Rodrigues (DEPAN/CPQBA/FEA/UNICAMP) and co-supervisor Profa. Dra. Ana Silvia Prata (DEA/FEA/UNICAMP). Master degree: Nutrition, Metabolism & Sport Sciences (Supervisor: Ana Prata; FCA-Unicamp, 2016).
Renata Rabelo
Renata is graduated in Food Engineer from University of São Paulo (USP, 2013), Ms. in Food Engineering (UNICAMP, 2015). Her works concerns about extraction and concentration processes of phenolic compounds and microencapsulation of bioactive compounds. Her scientific targets are based on the management of natural and technological resources to develop industrial processes. Currently she is doing doctorate in School of Food Engineering (FEA/UNICAMP) where develops microparticles to delivering and releasing of Vitamin D. Her advisor was Prof. Miriam D. Hubinger (DEA/FEA/UNICAMP) and she was co-advisored by Prof. Ana Silvia Prata (DEA/FEA/UNICAMP). Currently she is working in CNPEM.
Bianca Fernandes
Bianca is Food Engineer (UFV, 2016) and she did her Master at School of Food Engineering (FEA/Unicamp) with Profa. Ana Sílvia Prata as supervisor. Her project concerned the use of phase change materials to food packaging applications. Currently she is teacher and entrepeneurship. -
Caroline Mendes Paredes
Caroline is an undergraduate in Food Engineering and she developed a research project about investigation of swelling properties of extruded matrices.